Quite a bit has happened this week, stuff that is both exciting and terrible. The exciting part is my family got a new dog. The terrible part is of course work and some other undelightful stuff.
So last Saturday, I was doing my usual stuff around the house in the morning (such as eating, getting on the computer, and going back to bed) when I looked out the window and saw Amanda, Chelsie, and Hannah get out of a dark black mysterious car. They started gliding up to the house with a gleam in their eyes, while I darted into the bathroom to shower. After I was done getting ready, Amanda, Chelsie, my younger sisters, Mom, and I got in the car and started driving south. I think...Anyway we of course started listening to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on CD and I tried desperately to win a game of solitaire on my iPod. When I looked up next, we had driven to Provo, or a place by Provo. According to Amanda, we were about ten minutes away from Stephanie's house. We got out of the car and headed toward a tall dark building making funny noises and that smells peculiar. It was Petsmart.
We went inside and headed toward the back and saw an amazing sight: a bunch of really cute dogs for sale. There was a cage with like ten tiny puppies in there, a Dachshund and Shih tzus. Too bad they were like 400 bucks. So we looked in all the cages and I found a really sweet rat terrier that I liked but that Mom wouldn't take a second look at. I told her she shouldn't judge a dog by it's looks. I asked her if she would hate and abandon me if I was ugly, Mom just grinned and raised her eyebrows. Thanks Mommy. Mom was looking at a dog kinda by the rat terrier which was now chasing his tail. She took out the dog and started showing him to us and petting him. His name was Coco. Everyone seemed to really like him. Hannah was pulling him around on a leash but he was really distracted. Amanda and I kept on finding cute little pink outfits for him, no one else seemed to like them. Finally we decided to get him. He's a shih tzu and cocker spaniel mix. He looks more like a cocker spaniel, except his fur is curly. We got a bunch of stuff for him while trying to think of a new name. We didn't think my dad would like a name like Coco. Mom and I liked the idea of Harvey, and Amanda and I liked the name Felix. Hannah, Chelsie, and Mom then said that they wanted to name him Fred. I detested the name and so did Amanda. Finally we decided on Viktor.
On the way home, Viktor tried to climb in the front seat to sit on my lap but then the girls in the back started screaming "He's pooping!!" We were on the highway so Mom started trying desperately to get off, and I ran outside with Viktor. He just sat on the grass and stared at me. I told them I didn't see anything but then the girls started saying "it's still there!" I looked and saw something that wasn't poop but something else that boy dogs have. Let's just say they learned something new that day.
We got home and did our chores and had fun with Viktor. It turns out he likes to play fetch, I was thrilled because I've never had a dog that plays fetch. The only problem is that you have to chase him to get the ball back. We had tons of fun with him. He's ten months old so he's the perfect age for training, and he's housebroken but just not used to our house yet. We'll keep him in the kitchen until he's trained to his house. On the day we brought him home, we let him out of the kitchen for a couple minutes. He likes to chase and bark at the cats a lot. He ran into the office for a minute so Hannah chased after him, but then right when she went in she back out with her hands over her mouth and said "Oh no!" then Emma said "he pooped!" We don't let him out of the kitchen at all anymore unless someone is holding him or with him at all times. He adores Hannah and whines when she leaves the kitchen, even if everyone else is still in the kitchen. It makes me kinda sad that he doesn't like me as much as her just because I'm used to being Toby (my Chihuahua) and Daisy's (my beagle's) favorite owner. Well I don't know about Toby, he worshipped everyone but I did spend a lot of time with him. He always had a look like he was saying "yes master" and he just let us do whatever to him. So anyway, I took Viktor on a walk and played with him a lot so now I think he's starting to like me a lot more :]
On Sunday Marjorie's family and Don and DeAnn's family came over to visit which was delightful. DeAnn's daughter, Dresdin, is getting so big and she's really cute.
On Monday I went to work again. When I woke up I found five mosquito bites on my legs so I think there was a mosquito sleeping with me. I usually just dig my nails into it until it bleeds. Most of you think this is gross, but I would rather have them hurt than itch. I've had terrible experiences with mosquitos, there is this picture of me when I was maybe five: I was camping with my family and I'm smiling at the camera but my eyes are closed and my face is all red and has bumps all over it. I think I have sugar in my blood. Anyway, I worked Guess It again. I have gotten so good at guessing that I pretend I got it wrong on purpose so they would win. One of the girls who talked to me for a while while waiting for her Mom was at the library today. Scheiler Wayne was there too with his other cousins. I was supposed to make 350 bucks by the end of the day, but my microphone broke during the part of the day when people start playing games a lot so I didn't make very much money, only $190.
The next day I got to wake up early to go to the dentist. Joy. That dentist office has big plastic fish hanging from the ceiling and is designed to look like you're under water. The dentist is really nice and so are all of his model assistants. They do that to get you into a false sense of security before they drill in your mouth and I wasn't fooled. I could see through them, they enjoy torturing kids. I've had many cavities in the past so I have grown to really hate dentists from getting so many shots in my mouth and getting my teeth pulled. I hate the drills, they make me shiver. And that thing they put in your mouth to keep your mouth open hurts. The pink numbing stuff they give me is disgusting and isn't very good at numbing my mouth so I won't feel the shot to make my mouth more numb. I remember at one dentist office I was screaming because the shot hurt and the dentist yelled at me to shut up. I hate dentists. And why are all the girl dentists really pretty with blond hair and they look they're 23?? I've never seen an old lady dentist. The only part I like about the dentist is the laughing gas, that's GOOD stuff!
Today I went to the library and got eight books on CD and four books and a new shiny library card. I then went to the grocery store which was simply delightful....I got nail polish and gum :]
Now Amanda and Sariah are over and having a sleepover. I'm going to call in sick to work tomorrow because I don't feel like getting up early and deserting Amanda and I really really really really really really really don't like work. I don't think I want to work at Lagoon next year, or maybe doing games just sucks. Never. Do. Games. Never. Ever. You. Will. Die. Lagoon. Is. Not. Where. Fun. Is.
Anyway it's taken me all day to do this post, I started typing this at like 9:01 AM and it's now almost midnight. Nice. Well bye everyone, thanks for reading.
It's BaAAAcccKKKKkkkkk....
13 years ago
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