I figured I should post since I haven't in a while and my parents aren't home to get mad at me for not doing my chores or homework which I should've learned from 9 years of school isn't a good idea.
I'll worry about that later, anyway so now I'm going to attempt to remember my week. I find it so frustrating I think of a bunch of good things to post, and then when I actually get to it I totally forget about it. Well first I'll say that on Thursday and Friday last week, I slept a lot and it felt really good.
Okay so last Saturday I had to wake up early and be at my school by 8:15 AM to get on a school bus that would take me to Layton High School (in Layton [: ) I was freaking out a bit because some idiots decided to drive slow and I was running late for the bus and I really didn't want to miss it because then my parents wouldn't be too happy and would probably refuse to take me there. Or maybe they would if they loved me enough but I never know because some days they love me so much that they're really nice and fun to be around, and then other days I feel like telling them to stop getting mad at me because it wasn't my fault I was born. I love my parents. Anyway so we finally got there and I told my dad to drive through the one-way exit from the school so the bus would see that I'm there and we could block its path if it tried to leave. I arrived at Layton High and started singing some delightful songs. I think I might've talked about this in my last post... Anyway we sang and practiced singing and then sang some more. The bus brought me back to my school at around 12:30 pm.
I had a lacrosse meeting at the South Davis rec center so Mom came with because she was supposed to. We waited around and then went into the second floor meeting room. Addie Acord's dad started the Viewmont High School girls lacrosse team this year because they didn't have one and they thought that it was a shame. We were talking about how much work and money it's going to be since it's new this year and we have to get the team set up and new equipment and uniforms and all that good stuff. Mom volunteered to be the team's treasurer. We both figured that would be good since she's a certified master at counting. This is her divine calling. I'm super excited because I can't wait to get a lacrosse stick and start practicing even though we'll only be junior varsity this year. I now realized that it's a really good thing that I got a job at Lagoon, even though it was torture and the worst experience of my life (I'm not sure if I'm exaggerating or not....) because if I didn't then I probably wouldn't be able to do the team because it's going to be so expensive. My 250 hours of pain will turn into 1 million hours of fun (I was going to say 1 billion but that's impossible, you're in your mid-30's before you turn 1 billion seconds old. Therefore, it's impossible to live one second for everyone in the world's lives because by the time you're done, you'll be around 140 years old and will only be dust.).
That night, I went to see "2010" with Sammy Facer and a little cute sevvy whose name escapes me. She's Broc Dover's little sister. It was really good. I got a medium popcorn for all of us to share but we never finished it because we were too into the movie. It was awesome! It was so cool to watch and funny and the graphics were awesome. It was sweet other than certain main characters in the movie seemed to be escaping the explosions and earthquakes and volcanoes by three seconds. They were pretty lucky and had some seriously good karma.
Monday I missed the bus for the hundredth time and so missed first period.
On Tuesday I got to miss part of school to go to Layton High for the choir thing Amanda and me are in. That night we had the concert for it and it was fun and we sounded really good. Mom poured makeup on my face and it was very delightful.
On Wednesday, I arrived at school and went into my math class 2nd period and discovered I had a math test. Shoot. I'm pretty sure I failed it. I'm sorry Grandma Joan, I failed you.... :( I just could barely remember how to do it and I didn't answer some. I didn't work very long on it. I'm not one of those people who will work forever on a school assignment until I get it right. Either I get it or I don't, I don't spend forever trying to figure it out. I will spend forever on a drawing or piano piece but not school unless I'm in a good mood. It was also my last day to finish an art project where we had to make a pot thing with coils and cool designey techniques, but mine kept on falling apart. In desperation, I rolled up some balls and stuck them on top but my teacher wouldn't let me do that so I took it all apart and just had a very small thing. If I'm lucky, I'll get a C-.
When I got home I had to go to piano lessons. Mom let me drive the whole way which I wasn't very happy about. It's only my fifth time driving and she had me go on the highway which scared me. I felt very good and accomplished.
Today, we had a substitute in choir and I wasn't a good girl. I'm so sick of choir and I hate being a soprano and I really didn't want to do sectionals where we divide by section and work on our three songs. I'm bored of the songs already because they're easy Christmas ones and I'm a soprano so it's not like I've been singing these songs since I was 4. I really wish I could be in madrigals so I could sing more songs and have harder songs or be in a smaller choir with guys who actually care about singing. It's just not fair. I'm in choir because I want to sing, not to waste time and goof around but that's what the guys do. I wanted to be in madrigals really really bad but some people who didn't even care or expect to be in madrigals made it. They get to sing a lot of songs and they're Ms. Swallow's favorite choir. I'm also frustrated because I asked Ms. Swallow to be an alto and she said she would but she might still need me to be a soprano. I guess I should be happy that Swallow thought I was important enough to be a soprano but I hate it. It's the melody and I'm sick of breaking my throat singing high notes and the easy melody, I want more excitement to singing. At the moment, I hate choir. I hate singing. If I hadn't paid for the choir dress, I might just quit I'm so upset and frustrated. I want to sing more songs. I want to be an alto. I want the guys who goof around and don't care in choir to be kicked out, I want to be a madrigal, and I want to be a better singer. Ms. Swallow didn't think I was good enough to be in madrigals. I like going to Cumorah's hill better even if it's just for church because everyone actually sings and tries hard, I'm an alto, and my friends are in it. My good friends are in madrigals, and they don't let me forget it because they mention it every day and talk about how fun it is.
I'm sorry I don't usually say too much about how I feel on here, I just say what's up and basic emotions, but I'm just frustrated with everything that's been going on lately and I want to just lay in bed and sleep until everything's all over when school will be done so there won't be any more madrigals, Mom will have a job, Emma's grown up and cleans up her own mess (I was vacuuming when I was 5, she's 6 and should have to do more), and I'm in high school and all happy and dandy.
Tonight, I'm supposed to go to a Cumorah's Hill dress rehearsal and then have the performance tomorrow. Yippee.
Ashley got her driver's license and took me to Wal-Mart last night. It was weird to have the girl I played barbies and took baths with be driving with just me to Wal-Mart. I wish I could go back to those good days when we shared that big bedroom in sugar house and played barbies, hide and go seek jail, and collected leaves for the ants so the grasshoppers wouldn't get mad at them (A Bug's Life).
I'm going to go downstairs and block out everything with a nice book on my iPod.
I'll worry about that later, anyway so now I'm going to attempt to remember my week. I find it so frustrating I think of a bunch of good things to post, and then when I actually get to it I totally forget about it. Well first I'll say that on Thursday and Friday last week, I slept a lot and it felt really good.
Okay so last Saturday I had to wake up early and be at my school by 8:15 AM to get on a school bus that would take me to Layton High School (in Layton [: ) I was freaking out a bit because some idiots decided to drive slow and I was running late for the bus and I really didn't want to miss it because then my parents wouldn't be too happy and would probably refuse to take me there. Or maybe they would if they loved me enough but I never know because some days they love me so much that they're really nice and fun to be around, and then other days I feel like telling them to stop getting mad at me because it wasn't my fault I was born. I love my parents. Anyway so we finally got there and I told my dad to drive through the one-way exit from the school so the bus would see that I'm there and we could block its path if it tried to leave. I arrived at Layton High and started singing some delightful songs. I think I might've talked about this in my last post... Anyway we sang and practiced singing and then sang some more. The bus brought me back to my school at around 12:30 pm.
I had a lacrosse meeting at the South Davis rec center so Mom came with because she was supposed to. We waited around and then went into the second floor meeting room. Addie Acord's dad started the Viewmont High School girls lacrosse team this year because they didn't have one and they thought that it was a shame. We were talking about how much work and money it's going to be since it's new this year and we have to get the team set up and new equipment and uniforms and all that good stuff. Mom volunteered to be the team's treasurer. We both figured that would be good since she's a certified master at counting. This is her divine calling. I'm super excited because I can't wait to get a lacrosse stick and start practicing even though we'll only be junior varsity this year. I now realized that it's a really good thing that I got a job at Lagoon, even though it was torture and the worst experience of my life (I'm not sure if I'm exaggerating or not....) because if I didn't then I probably wouldn't be able to do the team because it's going to be so expensive. My 250 hours of pain will turn into 1 million hours of fun (I was going to say 1 billion but that's impossible, you're in your mid-30's before you turn 1 billion seconds old. Therefore, it's impossible to live one second for everyone in the world's lives because by the time you're done, you'll be around 140 years old and will only be dust.).
That night, I went to see "2010" with Sammy Facer and a little cute sevvy whose name escapes me. She's Broc Dover's little sister. It was really good. I got a medium popcorn for all of us to share but we never finished it because we were too into the movie. It was awesome! It was so cool to watch and funny and the graphics were awesome. It was sweet other than certain main characters in the movie seemed to be escaping the explosions and earthquakes and volcanoes by three seconds. They were pretty lucky and had some seriously good karma.
Monday I missed the bus for the hundredth time and so missed first period.
On Tuesday I got to miss part of school to go to Layton High for the choir thing Amanda and me are in. That night we had the concert for it and it was fun and we sounded really good. Mom poured makeup on my face and it was very delightful.
On Wednesday, I arrived at school and went into my math class 2nd period and discovered I had a math test. Shoot. I'm pretty sure I failed it. I'm sorry Grandma Joan, I failed you.... :( I just could barely remember how to do it and I didn't answer some. I didn't work very long on it. I'm not one of those people who will work forever on a school assignment until I get it right. Either I get it or I don't, I don't spend forever trying to figure it out. I will spend forever on a drawing or piano piece but not school unless I'm in a good mood. It was also my last day to finish an art project where we had to make a pot thing with coils and cool designey techniques, but mine kept on falling apart. In desperation, I rolled up some balls and stuck them on top but my teacher wouldn't let me do that so I took it all apart and just had a very small thing. If I'm lucky, I'll get a C-.
When I got home I had to go to piano lessons. Mom let me drive the whole way which I wasn't very happy about. It's only my fifth time driving and she had me go on the highway which scared me. I felt very good and accomplished.
Today, we had a substitute in choir and I wasn't a good girl. I'm so sick of choir and I hate being a soprano and I really didn't want to do sectionals where we divide by section and work on our three songs. I'm bored of the songs already because they're easy Christmas ones and I'm a soprano so it's not like I've been singing these songs since I was 4. I really wish I could be in madrigals so I could sing more songs and have harder songs or be in a smaller choir with guys who actually care about singing. It's just not fair. I'm in choir because I want to sing, not to waste time and goof around but that's what the guys do. I wanted to be in madrigals really really bad but some people who didn't even care or expect to be in madrigals made it. They get to sing a lot of songs and they're Ms. Swallow's favorite choir. I'm also frustrated because I asked Ms. Swallow to be an alto and she said she would but she might still need me to be a soprano. I guess I should be happy that Swallow thought I was important enough to be a soprano but I hate it. It's the melody and I'm sick of breaking my throat singing high notes and the easy melody, I want more excitement to singing. At the moment, I hate choir. I hate singing. If I hadn't paid for the choir dress, I might just quit I'm so upset and frustrated. I want to sing more songs. I want to be an alto. I want the guys who goof around and don't care in choir to be kicked out, I want to be a madrigal, and I want to be a better singer. Ms. Swallow didn't think I was good enough to be in madrigals. I like going to Cumorah's hill better even if it's just for church because everyone actually sings and tries hard, I'm an alto, and my friends are in it. My good friends are in madrigals, and they don't let me forget it because they mention it every day and talk about how fun it is.
I'm sorry I don't usually say too much about how I feel on here, I just say what's up and basic emotions, but I'm just frustrated with everything that's been going on lately and I want to just lay in bed and sleep until everything's all over when school will be done so there won't be any more madrigals, Mom will have a job, Emma's grown up and cleans up her own mess (I was vacuuming when I was 5, she's 6 and should have to do more), and I'm in high school and all happy and dandy.
Tonight, I'm supposed to go to a Cumorah's Hill dress rehearsal and then have the performance tomorrow. Yippee.
Ashley got her driver's license and took me to Wal-Mart last night. It was weird to have the girl I played barbies and took baths with be driving with just me to Wal-Mart. I wish I could go back to those good days when we shared that big bedroom in sugar house and played barbies, hide and go seek jail, and collected leaves for the ants so the grasshoppers wouldn't get mad at them (A Bug's Life).
I'm going to go downstairs and block out everything with a nice book on my iPod.
I totally get ya! A lot of this year so far has just been so frustrating! Don't worry, when you become the next big singer in this world, Ms. Swallow's gonna feel like a big glut who didn't know what she was doing. :)
Hang in there! You're a very beautiful, talented young woman! I love you!
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