On Thursday, I went to Hannah's soccer game. It was fun to watch and made me wish I still did soccer. Her coach is annoying. She just seems all snooty and my mom doesn't like her. Whenever my mom says something, the coach replies with pissy responses. She's never played soccer before and isn't a very good coach. She wouldn't let Hannah play the first quarter because she missed practice, and then she took Hannah out for the last half of the 4th quarter. She was out more than anyone else and almost all of the girls (including the coach's daughter) were never out. Next time I go to her game, I'm seriously going to yell at her coach. Everyone should be put in equally. I can tell Hannah doesn't like her. Whenever the coach told Hannah something, she had a look on her face that told you quite clearly that she doesn't like her. I thought Hannah's charisma was pretty funny, and she gave her coach dirty looks. Go Hannah! Stupid coach.
So yesterday I was super duper tired during school and I had dreams of taking a nap. I went home but then got a wonderful text message from my friend, Sammy, asking if I wanted to go to the Viewmont High School football game with her. I happily agreed then decided there wasn't much point taking a nap since I was going to go to a football game soon and my mom and Hannah were watching Project Runway. I got ready and then Mom drove me to Sammy's house and then we started walking to the school. We were picked up by her best friend Davis (who she "secretly" has a crush on). We arrived and I saw that my bff, Mckenzy, was there too! We then proceeded to sit on the bleachers in the junior high section. I didn't even know there was a junior high section, I thought we could just sit wherever we wanted... I saw many wardies there like Mary, Janie, Dusty, Adam Barlow, Jess, Joye, Matt, Ryan, and Heather. We sat and started watching the game. I walked around a bit and got a Gatorade with Mckenzy and then went to go sit with Ryan for a while. Some guys sitting behind us were kicked off of the bleachers and had to sit on the other side because they were heard cheering for the other team. They tried explaining that they go to Weber State and they aren't cheering for a specific school and they just like to watch football, but they were still kicked off. During the second quarter, my friends decided they wanted to take Davis's car and go get pizza. I didn't think that would be a good idea (considering no one was driving age) so I went to go sit with Ryan again until they came back. They decided not to get pizza after all. It was pretty fun but not totally exciting. I hung out with Ryan for quite a bit of it. This guy in my ward, Jeremy Lieber, is the quarterback on the football team and made five interceptions. He's really good. We lost 14-28 :[
After the game, Davis, Sammy, Hayden Plum, and Jacob Callobeer snuck underneath a fence and went across this board that goes over a small canal and went through some one's backyard to get to Arctic Circle. I felt so sneaky. We all got shakes and ended up staying there for like an hour. We were talking about the funniest stuff and I was soon too afraid to eat more of my shake because every time I did I would almost spit it out from laughing. I had a really good time. At about 11 pm, I went to Sammy's house and played the Wii before going home. Usually I hate playing the Wii, but it was kinda fun.
Today, I went to the Viewmont football game for the junior high 9th graders with Sammy. We got ice cream from the ice cream man and cheered on Davis. He made a touch down which was awesomely amazing. We went on the swings for a while and were just walking around and talking. After the game was over (Viewmont won) Davis took off his football jersey and the shirt he was wearing underneath was soaking wet from sweat. He went up to Sammy and gave her a huge hug which was disgusting. She had wet spots all over her shirt and smelled like football players after that. Eeeew. Now tonight I'm going to a Jon Schmidt concert with Amanda which I'm really excited for :]
Wow this post is short! It's so delightful :]
It's BaAAAcccKKKKkkkkk....
13 years ago
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