So, I'm just going to tell you a bunch of things that have happened this week because I feel like it, and I know it's just too exciting to be possible.
Wednesday: I had to bring a binder to choir which was actually due the day before but of course, I forgot it. So, during third period (French) I asked to use the bathroom and I got into one of the stalls, whipped out my cell, and called Mom. She said that she was on her way to Provo, but that she would get it there in time for 6th period. And it came to pass that it was here by 6th period. Yipee.
I went to mutual that night. The Beehives were going to the Bountiful Temple, so I had to wear a skirt. We got there and went into the waiting room and the temple president talked to us and so did his wife. We went outside and explored the grounds and learned some facts. Lori (our leader) took pictures of us and we just had fun there. After that, our leaders surprised us by taking us to Dairy Queen, where we each got ice cream dipped in strawberry or chocolate. Mmmmmm. That was the night that Dad gave us "Iced Mocha" (a.k.a. powdered milk with chocolate syrup in it).
Thursday: At school I had a health test that I forgot to study for, but I still got 86% on it (which means I missed 7).
When I got home from school that day, I got on the computer and saw that Ashley had minimized a website where you can watch "Heroes" on it. I had seen her watching it a lot, so I got on and in a new window watched the first episode. It was really good, but it took about two hours to watch half of it because our Internet was slow. It was really annoying. Dad then said that he would do the impossible and put it on my ipod!
Mom came home later and she had bought food! Food! Glorious Food! She had gone to our neighborhood grocer, Harmons! She bought nice milk and lots of delicious drinks and food. It was like Christmas and she bought some food she usually doesn't. That made me so happy!
Later that night, Jess Harvey called me. My friend, Megan, who was in the hospital was coming home either tonight or Friday, so we were going to decorate her bedroom. I went over to Jess's house where Sue Cowan, Lori Harvey, Hillary Neilson, Jess Harvey, Joye Fulks, and Heather Lieber were there, and they had already made the posters and stuff, but I still got to do the fun part. We all climbed into their cars and went to Megan's house. We hung up the posters and paper hearts and flowers on her walls, tied the balloons to her chair, and hung curling ribbon on the posters and from her lights and other things around the room. We also got some drinks we had bought and set those in her room too. Then I said that it would be cool if we made a sort of canopy or mosquito net out of the curling ribbon over her bed. We then set to work, Sue, Jess, Joye, and Hillary curling the ribbon, Lori getting tape for us, and Heather and me setting up the canopy. We had pink and green curling ribbon and we taped it to the ceiling all around her bed to make the canopy, and I hung a couple from the ceiling above her pillow to the end of her bed also. It took a long time and when we were done, I got out and stood by the door to view our work. It looked so cool, we were very proud of ourselves. Her dad and brother were home, so they came up to look at her room, and they were just gaping. Boys would've put up a poster or two, but we went beyond that.
Friday: So I had two tests that day, and I didn't really study for either one... So I got to U.S. History and prepared for the worst, and did the best I could. I guessed on a few. We corrected them in class and got them back the same day. And lo and Behold! I had gotten 30/32! Right after that however, I had a test in science. It was lab safety, and if you didn't get 90% or higher, you weren't aloud to do lab. Crap. I still don't know what I got, but I am hoping against hope that I got at least 90%.
It was also picture day. I wore an outfit that I had actually bought for the start of the last school year. I wore it for the 3rd day of school last year I think. So I went to school in that exact outfit, but it was still cute and I hadn't worn it that much. I think I might've blinked during the picture. You're just sitting there doing your cheesy smile (well, I just did a small closed mouth smile, because if I smile with my teeth it looks like I'm going to cry or something), and then without warning, there's a beep and a flash of light occurs. At least there're picture retakes. There was also a dance that night which I didn't go to. I didn't really have anyone to go to it with anyway. Heather (who was already going with her group of popular, cute girls that I don't fit in with) said it's really fun even if you don't dance with any boys. I told her yes I'm sure it is if you have a big group of friends like she does.
I got home and did whatever I do. Around 5PM, Mom said that I had to cook dinner because her and Dad had to go to a dinner for another accounting firm. I had to make this chicken stuff, rice, and green beans. Everything was done, but there was still a little water in the rice that wouldn't evaporate, so I eventually just poured the left over water out. The rice was done anyway. So we ate my magnificent dinner, and then I went to bed at like 7:30PM. No one said thank-you for the dinner, so I just said "you're welcome for the dinner!" as I walked out of the kitchen.
Saturday: I woke up at around 8:30 AM since I went to bed so early the night before. My usual waking up hour is 11, so this was pretty cool. I just did my Celeste things until Mom said to do my chores, which I did pretty slowly. Mom wanted me to clean my room which I somewhat did but there was a pretty big spider in the corner of my closet, and on Thursday night, some of the shelves and a lot of the things in there fell down. I told her that since she was going to take away my bookcase for her office and I have no room to put all of my books, she has to help me.
Mom came downstairs eventually and told me to take everything out of my closet. She then started looking at my scrap book while I set to work. I didn't take out the things by the spider since it was bigger than usual. I don't mind killing spiders if they're smaller than that. I made Hannah kill it, but she was really hesitant too, so I got Dad to kill it. It was sick. I then took everything else out. Mom told me to get three garbage bags. I was thinking 'Wait a minute, this wasn't part of the deal. You're just supposed to re-organize, not throw my stuff away.' I got mad when she accused me of being a pack rat. She started going through my memory box. I had worksheets and spelling tests from fourth grade in there. Ashley thought I was crazy for keeping those. I'm sorry, I just came home from school and dumped all of my papers in my memory box because I didn't want them anymore. It's not like I prized each one, it was just like a school paper bin for me. I got mad at some of the stuff she told me to throw away. I actually hid some of the stuff. Like this green bucket that I got two years ago that I keep my candy in, and notebooks that were still worth keeping because they still had most of the paper left and it was a waste to throw it away. Save the Earth, Mom.
After she was mostly done throwing my things away (funny how much stuff I had), I started taking everything off of my walls. Those who have been in my room lately know how many things I put on my walls. Mom hasn't decorated my room once since we moved here, so I was taking things into my own hands. While I did that, she put things away in my closet. She stuck pretty much everything in there. She also had me start hanging up my shirts in there too. I was upset that she put my trophies in my memory box and my medals. Even if they didn't mean much some of them, I still like to show the public them to give me pride. Now I just have my mirror, bulletin board, and magnet board on my walls, and my room looks super empty. It's like we just moved here or something, or when Mom was showing people our house hoping they would buy it. She made it look like we didn't have anything and had us organize and clean a lot and put pretty much everything in our closet. I've got to admit though, my room is a lot more nice to be in now. :)
Heroes got done downloading, and it's all on my ipod. Now I'm on episode 6.
Sunday (today): We were going to go to our cousin's baby blessing (Jenny's babe, Olivia) but she got sick so they rescheduled it for the week of Cheryl's wedding (no complaints there!). I haven't even seen Olivia yet thought, and I'm guessing I probably won't see her until Christmas.
In sunday school, Matt taught the lesson. I love how everyone listened to him and was good. Maybe they just like him more than me. Andy, the sunday school teacher, was there too. He told us he is going to be released. Wonder why... (someone told the bishop what had happened)
Grandma and Grandpa are going to stay at our house tonight! I had to put Sylvester in my room for Grandma's sake, which means the stupid litter box is in there too. He's a weird but sweet cat.
So, that's mainly my week. How's yours been?