Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Just Divine Right Now

19 more days...

Today we finally got our school pictures back. I was worried because I thought I blinked during the picture, but it didn't turn out too bad. It bugged me when girls had the cutest picture and they hated it. It drives me crazy, only they see flaws. This girl who had a super good picture is going to re-take it, and another girl wouldn't show anybody it because she said it looked ugly. I convinced her to let me see it, and she looked amazing. Perfect smile and everything. She said her hair looked weird. Uh... no. Other girls' hair looked weird because they tried to curl it or something to make them look better and it looked bad to me, but her hair was really good looking. Oh wow. Sariah, however, had her picture taken mid-smile so it looks kinda funny. She showed it to me and I started laughing. I couldn't help it, it was funny and she had told me that it looked weird before hand so I don't think I was rude. I wasn't that thrilled with mine. I didn't think that I looked ugly or anything. My hair looked pretty good and I had a good smile, but something about the angle looked weird, or maybe it's just me not being used to seeing me. Anyway, I think that my last year picture was better. I was comparing the two and I was just marveling at how much I've grown up in one year. I like my hair better in my last year's one because it's not as long and it just looked way cute to me. I don't like my hair being this long, but Mom is the other way around with my hair. Okay, back to subject. So I was looking at how much I've grown so I got out other school pictures of me and I took pictures of them. Some of my school pictures, the biggest copy I had was a small one, so I had to really zoom in and a lot of them were blurry because if my hand shook just a little bit, then it would be messed up. Annoying. So here they are, 2nd year of preschool to eighth grade (sorry, a couple are a bit blurry because I only had small copies of those).



1st grade

2nd grade

3rd grade

4th grade

5th grade

6th grade (I tried to smile with my teeth and it looked horrible, so that's why I now don't show my teeth anymore)

7th grade

8th grade (I was surprised that my hair looked that nice, it usually looks like a mop to me, and my hair isn't really that dark, the camera is just stupid)

I've decided that I'm going to go through all of my piano books and play all of the songs, and then learn to play every song in my newest ones. I don't feel like I'm very good at the piano anymore and it makes me sad. I want to learn to play cool pieces and I want to get really good and I'm not taking piano right now, so I'm going to try to teach myself right now. Even if I do start piano again I'm still going to mainly teach myself because my piano teacher drives me crazy a lot. If my friend's older brother did it when he broke his collar bone and he taught himself to play "All of Me" then I can do it too. Lately I've been so frustrated with it, but hopefully I'll start to get better.

School is just divine right now. My grades are so far better than last year's which is dandy, and I'm making some new friends finally. I've always had people to hang out with during lunch, but they were never really my friends. Apparently I'm going trick or treating this year too. I thought I was too old, but my friends (who I've had since 6th grade but who I don't have any classes or lunch with, grrr) insisted that I go with them and we're going to dress up as boys. Fun!!!! I was just going to have Hannah go around with another bag that night and ask people if they can put candy in there too because her sister is sick...

Oh yeah, that Youth Choir thing that I said I was doing is way bigger than I thought. There are a lot of youth there, and the people in charge of this have been working on this since last December. We are learning a lot of songs and we are going to be put on a CD I think and we're going to perform in the conference center. It is all done by youth: youth accompaniment (instruments), conductor, camera, costumes, singing, and technical effects stuff. We're going to start out singing where the tabernacle choir does and then we're going to move to this huge circle platform where a smaller yet still big, circle platform is on top of that one and where the youth will be playing the accompaniment music and there're big TV's all around it showing kids doing stuff while we sing, and they got testimonies from young men and women in different countries. The whole program will be about 1 hour and 45 minutes long. They're going to send it all across North America and they're going to put it on a website where people can download it for free. They're trying to influence youth to do the right thing or something and they said they've never done anything like this before. I have to get the bishop to sign a form saying I am worthy to be an example and perform in this. This girl who I'm becoming friends with who goes to my school (Sarah Cummings) is doing it too and we're both going to try out for the solo but I told her she'll probably make it and even if by some miracle I do, I'll be so nervous I'll fall over. It's worth a try though. Anyway, they showed us this slide show about it and Sarah and I were literally shaking with excitement. It's going to be so cool! I tried to tell Ashley about it but she didn't really get it, but I told her to just wait and she'll see how awesome it's going to be.

That's about it, I'm blogged out. I'm not sure when I'll be able to post next because Hannah and Ashley are always on the computer. Ashley does what Ashley does, and Hannah is on the dumbest website ever invented, Club Penguin. Wow! You can have a pet penguin and make them go shopping and stupid stuff! At least Neopets involves skill and isn't that stupid.

I made chocolate chip cookies yesterday! Yum!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

It Can't Get Any Better Than This

21 more days (or 3 weeks)...

I know that last time I said that I was going to try to get to sleep before 11, but then Mom got on her laptop and started watching Dancing With the Stars, and Ashley and I had to watch it. It ended well after midnight. The next day during history, we watched a movie about the pilgrims (bad idea in school if you didn't get enough sleep). My eyelids were drooping like crazy and I couldn't stay awake. I would actually fall asleep and start dreaming and I did that multiple times during the movie as I fought to stay awake. One time I started to tip over in my chair when I dozed off. I was telling Sariah about that and she said that I have to force myself to stay awake. I asked how, and she said to not put my head on my desk. I told her that I didn't put my head on my desk even though I wanted to super duper badly. I was sitting up as straight as I could without looking like a dork to keep myself awake, but nothing I did worked. Yeah, I didn't want to fall asleep in class, so even though my eyelids were drooping I put my head on my desk because that would keep me awake for sure. I'm not that stupid.

On Thursday, I played Young Women's volleyball. We lost both games, but we're getting way better. We put on makeup so that we'd look like Indians and I put my hair in two braids. The first game was super close. I only got to play half of that game, so I was a cheerleader which was pretty fun. Karlie (the oldest one there who's a junior...) was getting so mad. The ball went over the net and straight toward Rainee but she called "mine!" and tried to jump in front of Rainee so they didn't get the ball and she started yelling at Rainee that if she calls mine then she should let her get it. I got mad because it headed right toward Rainee and she had every right to hit it so I told Karlie to chill and stop and then she got mad at me too. She kept on jumping in front of people to get the ball which really made us upset and she was just in such a bad mood. We wanted to win, but we were just trying to have fun and she wasn't making it fun at all. We kept on telling her that if the ball doesn't go in her area then don't hit it. She had to control everything in the game and she was in a really bad mood. She even cussed a couple of times (yeah, don't do that during a church thing...) and you could tell that no one liked her. At the end, she was saying how that was dumbest thing she's ever done and she's not going to do it anymore. Good we don't want you to come. It's not like we'll die if we don't win, we're just there to play. It took all of my self control not to punch her, she was such a brat. She's the same in basketball too. It makes me miss those days when she didn't live here.

About a half hour after I came home from volleyball Grandma Carol came over and she brought Toby's babies (Toby is the chihuahua that we had for about a year before we gave him to her because no matter what we did we couldn't potty train him). He had five babies, but one was still-born and the mom ate the other one (isn't that horrible? D: ) so there were only three left. There was one girl and two boys. One of the boys, who I said should be names Gabriel or Gabe for short, reminded me a lot of Toby. He looked like him and he just kinda sat there and shook but he was so adorable. I started saying to grandma that it wouldn't be good if we got him because we'd probably end up getting rid of him, but then I saw her frown at me with the look that she's pretending to agree with you but she doesn't like what you said. I then realized what I said and thought no, that's not what I meant! What I meant was that I wouldn't want him because he would be a wimp like Toby, I didn't mean that I would get rid of him. Great, now she won't let me get one. It's not like we keep any of our pets anyway (feeling guilty Mom? Misty... the cat that you absolutely loved who we took in when she was a poor abused-ish stray... Lizzy... who you still say you wish was here with us... all of those cute baby kitties who I cried over for a long time... Daisy... the beagle who was my most favorite dog in the whole world who meant everything to me... Now are you feeling guilty?) But anyway, there was another boy who my cousin named Pork Chop because he was the biggest and then there was a girl who was the smallest of them. Pork Chop and the girl where jumping all over the place and trying to lick my face while Gabriel just sat there. I wanted to keep the girl dog because she was so pretty and funny. Dad said I could have her if Tina (the Mom of my cousin who owns Toby's wife) said I could. Yeah right, Tina will of course say no because we'll just get rid of her again like all of our other pets except for Silly (Misty...Lizzy...Daisy...turtles...). Of course, Hannah and Dad had to bring up that we get to keep Ginger while Grandma and Grandpa Stevens are on their mission so then Grandma said I probably shouldn't keep her since we'll be getting another dog. But we're not keeping Ginger permanently! Just a year and a half! And I don't even like her that much! I still want Toby's daughter, she is the cutest dog and she's so sweet even though she ruined my basketball shorts a bit with her nails from jumping up and down on me.

I learned to tie a knot in a hair elastic with one hand!!

On Friday night, I didn't really feel like hanging out with anyone so I just ignored the phone when Sariah called (sorry Sariah I know that drives you crazy) but then Dad answered the phone and so I said I could hang out. She came over and we just talked for a while and then went up stairs and had dinner. Sariah mentioned that she had been IMing Ethan and he had said that he was really bored so we told him to come over (Dad always said that his name sounded like a soap opera name 'Ethan Drake'). At first we just went downstairs into my room (The door was open and there was an odd number! I still think that's a stupid rule!) We talked for while in there and then we looked through my amazing scrap book while they marveled at how I looked when I was younger. They say that I look a lot like my sisters, but I only see the resemblance in this picture of me at the beach in California in 2003 where I looked like Hannah and everyone thought it was Hannah. Otherwise I don't see it. We then went upstairs and played Pit and we included Hannah because I'm such a nice big sister and we needed one more player. I said I needed a pen so Hannah brought the whole box of pens. Thanks... After we did like three or four rounds, we started throwing pens at each other. It then turned into this big pen fight where we would throw pens repeatedly and run all over. Hannah threw one at me and it hit me on the face so I gathered up a huge pile of them and she ran for it. She hid in the kitchen curtains so Ethan pulled them back and I threw all of them at her. Hannah and Emma were going crazy like all little brothers and sisters do when their older sibling's friends are over. They were screaming and running all over the place and showing off. Oh well, I did the same thing to Ashley, but that doesn't mean that it wasn't super annoying. After about ten minutes we put them away and I showed Ethan "All of Me" on youtube because I said I was learning that song on the piano and he didn't even know what it was. I then went over to the piano and he told me to start playing it. I slowly played the first line with hands together probably off tempo. Next, I played the song that I made up and I started playing all of these songs that I haven't played in a long time. I couldn't tell if he was getting bored or not but he kept on telling me to keep playing so I'm not sure if he was. If he was bored, then he's a good actor. At around ten, him and Sariah went home. When they left, I told Hannah that it's okay if she hangs out with us (Ashley never said that to me and we're closer together in age than Hannah and me) but she needs to tone down a little and not get so hyper and weird because that's when I get impatient. Yeah, I didn't feel like hanging out earlier that day, but that was dang fun!

Today, Mom made me wake up at 10 AM (how dare she!?) and said to Hannah and me that if we hurry and get our chores done that we can go shopping. Hannah asked me if we could switch chores so I said yeah, what the heck (can't you tell I'm Utahn?) oh dang golly. I quickly picked up the house and I even moved the sofas downstairs so I could vacuum under them. I soon realized that no matter how much I vacuumed, the stuff kept on spitting back out onto the carpet. I saw that the gunk holder was filled way beyond capacity. I tried to take it off of the vacuum, but the idiot who last emptied it put it back on wrong so I couldn't get it off. I told Emma to tell Mom that I needed help. Mom didn't come so I just layed down on the carpet and waited for her and I think I was out of it for a little bit because it was all a bit fuzzy. When I came back to my senses, I walked upstairs and told Mom I needed help and she said "in a minute" which means "no I won't" or "I'll tell you that, and then conveniently forget to help you". I just sat on the sofa and was off in Lala Land for a while before I started bugging her again. She went downstairs and successfully yanked off the gunk holder. I could've done that myself, but if I broke it then I would be in trouble. If she broke it then it was all good. I soon finished and went upstairs to see that Hannah wasn't close to finishing the kitchen which is usually my job. I tend to finish it pretty quickly. She then decided that Sylvester needed a bath. I just walked away thinking to myself that she was just stalling. After a couple of minutes, I heard Sylvester do his scared meow (it's so funny, I can usually tell what each of his meows means now) and Hannah screamed. I came into the bathroom and found Sylvester in the tub and the bottom of Hannah's pajamas wet. He had freaked out when he saw the water and had peed on her foot. That's new (climbing up shower curtains... biting Mom and making her bleed like crazy... scratching me... making me terrified of bathing him... trying to squeeze out of a crack in the shower and choking himself... yup, that's definitely a new one). Mom then had to pick up Ashley from her friend's house and had me fold all the laundry (Good girl, Celeste! You quickly finished your chores and did a great job! Now do some more!) and told Hannah that if her chores weren't done when she got back then she would be in big trouble. Never doubt Mom when she has that look in her eye... (just kidding, well no, actually I'm not). While I was folding clothes, I mentioned to Hannah that I could've done her chores, mine, and Ashley's in the time that it's taking her to do the kitchen, and she was getting mad because I was telling her the counters, fridge, microwave, and cabinets still weren't clean. That's part of what I do every week.

When Mom came home, Hannah was sorta done, so she just got grounded. She got off easy that time. After an hour, she just took Emma and me shopping since Hannah wasn't done and Hannah had insisted that she didn't need any more clothes to last her for the whole winter. Mom just said whatever and left with us. We went to Payless and Target to get shoes for Emma. She couldn't find her shoes and they were all old anyway. While we were looking, I had to carry her since she wasn't wearing any shoes. To think I used to complain about holding her when she was 18 months old, now she's really heavy! We then went to Kohl's and got some jeans for me and two very cute yet surprisingly cheap shirts. All of my jeans were getting too small for me and it drove me crazy to wear them because it was a bit embarrassing. I only had one pair that fit me somewhat well, but they had a hole in a very bad place so I had put duct tape on the inside of it to cover it up and so that it wouldn't draw people's attention there. Nice huh? I was so happy to get new jeans. Dad said that I deserved more clothes since I didn't complain once about having jeans too small for me. Brownie points! That's because I'm his favorite daughter... We got a couple nice things for Emma too that were cute yet cheap I also got a pair of tennis shoes because the only other pair that I had I've had since before I moved here. I changed into my new pair of jeans in the car so I didn't have to wear that other one any longer that I had to. I hate changing in the car, but I couldn't stand that pair any more. It's not like anyone really saw me anyway and at least I'm not changing into a leotard where you can't wear underwear. Ugh, bad memories.

Mom got some things we needed at the grocery store while I tried to find Emma a bathroom. We were at Wal-mart, and the bathroom was closed for a while because they were cleaning it. The lady cleaning had said something about one in the back but I couldn't really understand her because she had a strong Chinese accent (and yes, it was Chinese, not Japanese or Vietnamese-ish). I went to a place in the store where I had never been before which was by the car stuff. I never had a need to wander over there but I couldn't find a bathroom. I went and found Mom and told her that the bathroom was closed and I couldn't understand the lady so Mom said to tell her it was an emergency and Emma had started to dance which scared me because I didn't want her to have an accident. I looked for employees to ask where another bathroom was but I was a bit shy because none of them looked too inviting. I eventually found a nice employee and she said there was one back by the electronics. I went over there and lo and behold! There was a bathroom! I had never been in that part before and I hadn't even know that it existed. That was my amazing story, and Emma didn't pee her pants.

Just something to think about Cheryl if you're reading this, in two weeks you and Jim will be married, and for Mom, in five years I can be married, and for Stephanie, in a few months (well a bit more than a few) you will be the same age my mom was when she had Ashley. One more to haunt Hannah, by the time you're married, you're precious cat will be dead. Sorry, but I had to say that.

So, my life is still as full of adventure as it always was and it can't get any better than this!

Je vais voir la plupart des gens vous dans deux semaines ou mes amis soit demain ou lundi!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

So Far So Good

24 more days...

Okay, I need to hurry because I need to get to bed before eleven or I'll be falling asleep in English again. But really, anyone who has Mrs. Tanner would probably fall asleep. She's a good teacher and is really nice and her classes aren't hard, but it's so easy to fall asleep in that class. Today, I was fighting to stay awake: my eyelids were heavy and I just couldn't keep my eyes open longer that a second. I have had a hard time getting to sleep this week. Sunday night, I went to bed around ten and didn't go to sleep until after midnight and Sylvester kept on waking me up in the middle of the night. Stupid cat. On Monday night, I wanted to get to sleep early because I was doing a test first through fourth period and I didn't want to be falling asleep and I wanted to wake up early to have time to eat breakfast. Yeah, it took forever for me to fall asleep and I woke up 20 minutes before the bus came. Last night wasn't good either.

I signed up to do this youth choir thing. A bunch of people ages 12-18 are going to be in this choir where we get to learn some songs and they'll record us and put us on a CD and they're going to show us on TV on New Year's Eve. It's an LDS thing, so we get to be singing in the conference center I think. We have about four two hour practices, a six hour practice (which happens to be on my birthday, ugh), a dress rehearsal which is twelve hours (9AM-9PM) and like three three hour recording sessions. It will take up a lot of time, but it'll be fun.

I got mad at this girl yesterday in the halls. I was just walking back to my locker from lunch, and this girl shoved me really hard and shouted "Move!" and I fell over onto this other girl. Sometimes I do get pushed in the halls though I usually don't fall, but those were accidents and this one wasn't. She did this a couple of times to me before. I ran to catch up with her and then went right next to her and shouted "Move!" and pushed her out of my way. I heard her get really mad so I started to walk fast. I looked behind me and her friend was telling her to get after me. I started to run really fast through the halls until I got to my locker then I turned around and she had slowed down and looked mad that she didn't get me. Yeah don't touch me, I bite back.

In downtown Farmington, there was a stand up situation where a fire fighter had gotten mad and I think (but I'm not sure) he fired a shot at his wife but missed, and then he got into his car with his gun. His wife called the police and the swat team came. This lasted from about 10AM to somewhere around 7PM. It looked like he was going to shoot one of the people, so a Swat team person shot him and he died. Farmington Elem. was put on lock down (I always wanted to be in an actual lock down. You just sit and do nothing in the dark--it's so much fun!) Dad and I rode our bikes down there but it wasn't too exciting and there were a lot of cars and police people. We then rode back on the new bike trail by the legacy highway which was pretty cool and it felt good because I needed to exercise. Rainee (my friend) and her family were all upset because the fire fighter was her dad's friend and they started protesting about something. This morning, I was checking the weather before I left and I just glanced at a picture of a protester's sign on the page, but I didn't think much of it though I caught a couple of words. When I got on the bus and we rounded the corner around Rainee's house, I saw the same signs so I was wondering what was going on. I couldn't find the story later today though.

I've been trying to get the piano music "All of Me" by Jon Schmidt because I didn't want to buy it so I was seeing if Stephanie had it but she was at BYU. I then remembered that my friend's older brother broke his collar bone a couple of years ago and couldn't play football so he taught himself to play the piano for something to do and he learned how to play that song. I asked her for the music and I finally got it! I copied it and now I'm slowly trying to learn. It will probably take me many many months as it is way above me level and I don't have a piano teacher right now. Every note in that song except for C and F are flat, and it's around ten pages long. So far, I can play the first line, hands together, slowly. So far so good!

My friend who was in the hospital a couple of weeks ago was back in there for another surgery Thursday night because she got an infection. She was in there the whole second week of school, home the third week of school, and then went to school for three days before going back in. She's finally home again, and hopefully she'll be better now. She's so much fun to be around and I thought that bad things weren't supposed to happen to beautiful people. She is so gorgeous and really nice. Get well Megz!

Heroes started again! It was so good and as always intense and a bit sad. There was this one part which was pretty funny but I just laughed harder than I think necessary. Whenever I though of it, I would start laughing really hard and Ashley was wondering what was wrong with me after a while. There was also this one part where a guy named Matt starts talking to a turtle in the middle of Africa and it was so funny, I was losing it a bit. When the episode ends, it says "to be continued..." and then it's the end. When it showed that, I shouted "NO!!" but then it said on the TV "now!" and the second episode started. Yay!! I was so happy, though that was a mean but funny thing. I love Heroes...

For mutual today, we practiced volleyball. I started to walk up toward the church and Lori's car was in front of me and she was picking up some girls and I yelled at her to wait, but she didn't hear me and drove off. :( But then hallelujah! The bishop picked me up. Everyone was locked out when we got there, and then there weren't that many people there. Everyone was at the High school powder puff game (a.k.a. girl's football-juniors vs. seniors). We went in the gym and messed around with the volleyballs while the leaders, bishop, and sport's director tried to set up the net. Eventually we got it up, so for a long time we practiced playing and a lot of the girls really improved. We played for a long time and then got creamies. It was super fun! I haven't been this happy and had this much fun in a pretty long time. I've been happy, but this just really raised my spirits. I still have issues with serving, but otherwise I'm not too bad. I still think that I was good enough to make the volleyball team, but there were just girls better than me. I don't suck and I can do all of the skills well enough, but I wasn't as good as the other girls. Oh well, they are bad anyway. They've only won one game so far and I'm a bit embarrassed to see our team play. Go Chargers!!

One of our member of the bishopric's wife (a.k.a Brooke-who cooked for us during girls' camp and rocks my socks!) had her baby today! They said that she had him at home, he's a boy, he's 23 inches long, and 10 lb. 9 oz. Poor Brooke, that's a big baby! I'm so happy for her!

That's like it, I don't have anything else to bore you about... except for I finally found a good background for my blog because the other one was weird, but I had to change the font in every single dang post back to black. Au revoir ma famille et amis! Avoir une bonne journée et manger vos légumes. (pronunciation: ah rihvwoh mah fameel ey ahmees! Ahvwor oon bun journee ey mahnjay voh laygooms.)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Been There, Done That

Only 28 more days...

I'll just start where I left off yesterday.

So, less than a minute after I published my post yesterday, Emma came up to me and Hannah by the computer and started making a weird noise and she had her hands over her ears. I thought she was having another ear ache so I was thinking oh great, just what we need right now, more medical problems. But then, she put her hands over her throat and started making the noise again and I realized she was choking or something, and Hannah started thumping her on the back. I heard that doing that makes it worse so I started freaking out a little. At least she was still making that noise so I knew she could breath. Emma ran over and started drinking her juice as fast as she could and started drinking Hannah's too. Oh good, so she could still drink so she's not choking. After she drank a lot of juice, she told us that a piece of a potato chip was stuck in her throat and that it was hurting. Oh yeah, been there, done that. Ouch. Mom reminded me about the Heimlich maneuver. Oops. I was glad she wasn't exactly choking or didn't stop breathing because I'm not too good with CPR, though I guess I could do it if I really had to, but I'd rather not. I'll be a good baby-sitter someday.

I then glanced at the clock and saw that Mom and Dad were going to be home in less than half an hour. I told Hannah and Emma to scarf down their taco soup really fast and leave. I needed to do my Saturday chores since I wouldn't be able to do them tomorrow (dishes, fridge, microwave, counters, sweep, mop, and wipe down cabinets). I also had to pack. I quickly loaded and unloaded the dishwasher and started running around, wiping off tables and taking a huge bite of soup every single time I passed my bowl on the table. I was running around the kitchen cleaning as fast as I could, my mouth bulging with food. I kinda looked like Mulan did in the movie when Moo shu stuffed porridge in her mouth and she was saying how she didn't want to kick the other kid's butts. Nice comparison, huh? I packed and everything and even finished my soup and was nice and ready by the time Mom came home.

Amanda then called and said that her parents were going to a movie and was wondering if my Mom could drop us both off at Wal-mart, and then she started arguing with Marjorie and she said she's call me back. Okay... Well, good thing I took my sweet time getting ready.

Mom and Dad had gone to Ikea (super cool store!) and had gotten things for Mom's office and had gone to Target and did some other stuff I know not of. Now her office actually looks like an office. She has the desk, laptop, computer chair, arm chair, candy, picture, book case, office stuff, and printers. I just sat down in her room for like ten minutes and watched her put the table together by attaching the legs and then getting mad because she realized that she did it up side down.

Amanda finally called and asked if Mom could drop us off at Wal-mart. Mom then wanted to talk to Marjorie, because she wasn't about to drop us off at the Layton Wal-mart for a couple of hours in the middle of the night. I didn't even think there would be that many people. They finally came up with the plan that Mom would take me to Amanda's and take Chelsie back home with her. About half an hour before midnight, Amanda's parents would return home from their movie and take us to get the book. Pretty clever.

When I got there, Amanda was making sugar cookies because she was baby-sitting in the morning the next day. It didn't really matter because she'd be back about a half hour to an hour before I usually wake up (which means 10:00 AM). I took the left-over dough and had tons of fun making shapes while Amanda talked about this girl's disastrous prom.

We went downstairs after that and watched Penelope. The show about a girl who was born with a pig's nose and ears and it would only go away if a blue-blood loved her. It was... interesting. It's not one that I could watch over and over though.

When her parents and Jordan came home, John took us and Jordan (who said he had to come to protect us) to get Brisingr. There weren't a lot of people there in a huge line like Harry Potter. We just went up and grabbed a book and there were some other teenagers who grabbed it too. We were just standing and talking in the store after we grabbed it and I told Amanda to turn around. Behind her were boxes of candy, just 88 cents each (why don't they have a cents sign on the computer like $?). We got gobstoppers, lemon heads, and cookie dough bites.

Amanda and I put all of the candy in a bowl, sat on her sofa in the family room, and started to read Brisingr. I was super tired but Amanda was saying that if we got tired then we had to make ourselves uncomfortable so we couldn't fall asleep. I felt unhappy because I knew that Amanda wanted me to stay up all night with her reading.

I read the first chapter but couldn't concentrated enough to read the second. I wanted to go put on my pajamas, but I was too tired to move. I still tried to somewhat understand what I was reading even though I could feel myself drifting off. I gave in and fell asleep. Amanda later said that she wasn't sure if I was awake and reading or not because I was breathing really hard, but I was still in a position that looked like I was reading. That's because I'm tricky! At about three in the morning, Amanda woke me up and we both pulled on our pajamas and slept in her bed. She got farther than I am right now from reading until 3 AM.

I woke up a couple of times after Amanda had gone to babysit just long enough to register that she was gone and then I drifted off again. I got confused when I woke up for another 20 seconds and realized that she was in bed again in her pajamas.

We both started reading again and she told me she got back in her pajamas because she didn't feel like reading in bed with jeans on. We kept on reading until about 1:15, and every now and then we would get in a 5-10 minute conversation about random stuff that had nothing to do with the book (I don't even remember why we started talking all those times) and then start reading again as if nothing had happened.

We went upstairs where Jordan was playing Wii and Amanda started teaching me how to play chess. Marjorie made us stop and eat real food then said that Mom was coming at 2 and that she's in a hurry because there's an appointment at 2:30. I said "Mom has an appointment?" and she replied "no, you do."
"For what?"
"Eye appointment."
I ran downstairs and started doing my hair and getting dressed because I looked a mess. I didn't know we were going anywhere. While I was down there, Mom came and Ashley started yelling at me to come.

We went to Sam's club and apparently all three of us had an appointment. I was first because the guy wanted to see if the contacts were working well. I went out of his weird room after that and waited for Ashley to finish. They had many different shows on their different TVs, but I just paced and watched Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and the First Lord of the Rings at the same time and played with a contacts holder thing. It has a mirror and a little pouch where you hold your contact case and spare contacts and it snaps shut and comes in cool colors! Wow, waste of money!

I waited forever, and when Ashley came out and it was time for Mom's appointment we wandered off. We looked at the different books and jumped when I touched this scary Halloween dude and he turned to life and started talking. We had samples of all of the foods and just hung around. We were heading back to the eye section when we went past another sample.

It was a drink that looked like really liquidy A1 sauce. We started to walk away when the lady started telling us about it. She said than when you get older and start not eating healthy , then you should get this health drink. It was fruity and would keep you looking young and healthy and she had us each take a sample. I decided to drink it when we were away from her just in case it was gross. It was supposed to be fruity, but it was brown and looked sick, but you never know. Good thing I did that. We turned onto the next isle and I took the first drink while Ashley asked if it was good. I started gagging on it, it was the worst thing I've had in my entire life! It had a hint of fruit to it, but it was super bitter and even though I've never tasted vinegar, I'm sure it would taste like that and sour cream and vegetable oil all mixed together. Ashley asked if I was okay, but I just ran over to the trash and spit it out and threw the drink in there too. There were about ten other cups of that exact stuff, all full, thrown in there too. Ashley threw hers away too. The taste just stayed in my mouth and wouldn't go away. I was breathing through my mouth trying to get the flavor out, and we couldn't get any more samples because all of the sample people were on break. I wonder if the lady giving us the sample has ever tried it, or if she saw me. We told Mom about the drink, but I mentioned to Ashley later that it would've been funny if we told Mom that there was this super good health drink that she had to try, and see what would happen.

I eventually got another sample and happily ate it. Ashley and I then started playing with the cameras and taking pictures of ourselves while Mom learned how to put in contacts since she's never gotten them before. I started freaking out because I smelled my breath and realized that it smells like the health drink. Eeew! We also tried on glasses and wandered a bit more.

When Mom was done, she went to look at an iron. I followed and found a massage chair right next to the irons and I sat on that while she looked. She went to the next isle, so I sat on a rocking chair in a family room set while Ashley tried to get the stupid TV to play Transformers. We kept on pressing play, but it wouldn't work. Mom said she was leaving and left so we said bye and stayed there for a while. We went over to where the scary Halloween dude was and saw one next to him so I lifted up it's eyelid and started messing around. We were having a dandy time (and looking for Mom at the same time) when Mom texted Ashley and said that if we weren't in the car in two minutes we were walking home. We pranced to the doors and to Mom's car (and I literally mean we 'pranced' people probably thought we were very strange). We thought she said she was leaving to another isle. We didn't realize she meant that she was actually leaving. Mom said that was obvious. Silly us.

A couple of hours later when we were eating dinner, we saw two baby cats outside, and I actually got near enough one of them that I could pick it up. They looked strangely like this boy cat that we usually see running around our street who's the father of some of Misty's babies. Hannah then got really sad because we left them outside and it started to rain really hard. Sylvester was outside too.

I watched America's Next Top Model with Mom on her new laptop, painted my nails, and read Brisingr. It's been a fun day.

I know this is a long post, I'm starting to become a better writer and putting in more detail.

Friday, September 19, 2008

While I Pass the Time...

Hey guys. I'm about to go to Amanda's house to have a sleepover and get Brisingr. We were going to go earlier because we weren't sure how popular the book is, but my parents won't be back until like 8:30 PM and It's just me and my little sisters and Mom doesn't want Hannah and Chelsie trying to baby-sit Emma. Ashley is at a concert with her friends.

I've just been on youtube looking at different videos. I watched America's Next Top Model episode 4, cycle 11. I then looked up tai chi D.K. Moore but didn't find anything. On New Year’s Eve, we made a music video to my uncle's song, "I know Tai Chi" but I guess my dad took it off. It was super funny though. I then looked at all of his videos. More than 10,000 people have sent the video of me playing Canon by Johann Pachelbel. My dad only recorded it because he was trying to sell the electric piano thing, but then he decided to put it on youtube. It was so crappy. Proudest moment of my life.

OMGSH! I just found Tai Chi, apparently my dad renamed it!!! This is my uncle and I think it's so funny! He made up this song by himself, and my dad made this video. It was my idea to have him wear my mom's bathrobe. Part of it is a bit off and the background's a bit weird from the green screen.

Yeah, if you want then go here and see the rest of my dad's videos. I also keep on listening to All of Me by Jon Schmidt over and over again.

We got a new car! I don't know the exact name, but it's a green kia and it's pretty nice. Our neighbor's daughter owned it, but she hasn't driven it in a long time, so it was just sitting. I'm so happy we have two cars again!

Anyway, school's pretty good. A lot of people came up to me and said that they liked my hair because it was straight again and I put it up in two braids. Even I think I look really cute, though I'm not trying to be self-centered. It was just an observation, and I rarely even think that about myself. I think I might do that more often now. I accidentally left my cell in my locker. I had to remind myself that it's not that important and I shouldn't even have a cell phone right now. Some people feel naked without it... I like cell phones, but I'm not obsessed with them and I just like to text and call. I don't need all of the other junk that they're putting in there. I don't even text that much. Some people never stop texting. Get a life people. I was so tired on Wednesday! During history, our teacher just kept on talking and talking about people exploring the Americas in the 1500s. My eyelids were really heavy, and I actually put my head down on my desk, closed my eyes, and started dreaming. That period seemed to take forever. Wow, I need more sleep. My grades are good, and I have just one B+ and the rest are A's. And, I got 92% on my geometry test. Aren't you proud Grandma? I also made a sweet airplane in science out of paper, a straw, 2 paper clips, and 6 toothpicks.

Anyway that's about it. I need to go in half an hour and I still need to pack, finish the dinner that I made and my sisters barely ate anything of and didn't even thank me for, clean the kitchen, and other stuff. Heh, yeah. I'll post again tomorrow or something.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bigger or Better

Tonight for mutual, the theme was the seventh article of faith. The Beehives were in charge of this one (I'm still one until Oct. 18...). At first we thought about having some people who know about different languages and cultures come talk to us. *yawn* It sounded pretty lame but we didn't know what to do for the "gift of tongues". But then, our wonderful leader, Emily, asked her wonderful husband, whose name escapes me, what we should do. He said that since it said tongues, prophesy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth, we should play bigger or better because since we got the gift of tongues, we get to use it to do other bigger and better things too and get more gifts or something. So, that's what we did.

So after the announcements I went up (I felt like I was shining because my hair was really straight and pretty, Matt Wilcox said he liked my hair!!!!) and said something like:

Me: So our activity is based on the seventh article of faith 'we believe in the gift of tongues, prophesy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth' or something like that
Other peoples: yeah along those lines... you're good...
Jill: I didn't know that it said 'or something like that' in it
Me: well that's the revised Celeste Black version, anyway so we are going to play bigger or better...
Other peoples: are you serious?... cool!!...
Adam: it's bigger and better
Me: no, it's bigger or better because one time these boys came over and they were playing bigger and better and they had this ginormous fish tank... but anyway it's bigger OR better
(more talking that I can't remember)
Me: So Lori divided us all into four groups and we'll have 25 minutes to go around and play in your assigned area of the neighborhood. Then you need to get back to the church and each team will have 5 minutes to come up with a 2 minute skit that has to do with your item.
Ryan: can I be on a team?
Other peoples: no, go home Ryan
Me: Hey Lori, do you want me to give the instructions?
Lori: oh yes, do that
Me: Ok, so you go to a house, knock on the door. Don't ring if they have little kids because then they start crying and parents get mad. Then say 'Hey we're playing a game, and we were wondering if you had anything bigger or better than this' and you show them your item.
Ryan: Can we say that we're part of a mutual group? Because then they might give us better stuff.
Other peoples: yeah, whatever you want
(Lori then gave me an example of our beginning gift which was a small piece of hard candy)
Me: Oooh, what flavor is it? (*laughter from room* I didn't mean to be funny, I was serious...) Oh never mind, so this is your beginning gift.

After that the leaders went up and said who was in their group. I think ours was the coolest. We then all walked to our part in the neighborhood. We had Jill and Lori as leaders, then we had me (obviously), Ryan, Porscha, Packer boy, Becca, Mason, Kayla, Karlie, and the Barlow guy whose name aslo escapes me even though I should know his name. There's probably someone else, but I can't think right now.

We went to the first house and knocked. We traded the small candy for a gross salty nut bar or something. We then went to the next which was the Hansen's. At first Mike just gave us his cat which all of the girls including me gathered around and started cooing over. He then came back and gave us a box of something else. We took this to the McMullins and got a bag of marshmallows.

While we were waiting for the McMullins, however, I saw a group across the street at my house. They were looking in my dad's garage while he looked for something. He gave them one of our messed up bloody mannequinheads Mom used to practice hair on. I started yelling at Dad not to because I really like her. Her name is Sabrina.

We went to my new sunday school teacher's house, and she gave us a quilting stand thing. She didn't want the marshmallows though so Porscha took it and we tried to take it from her to eat it. We went to Porscha's house to get something else and got this thing that hangs that looks like a patriotic hat with a scary face on it and ribbon stuff hanging down. Her little brother started to run after it trying to get the marshmallows from her like some of us. We took the weird patriotic thing over to the Fulk's and waited while Joy's older sister tried to find something. She was taking a long time so Porscha ran over next door to Ryan's house and tried to trade the marshmallows for something. She got a dead potted plant. Joye's older sister ended up not having anything. We ran to the next houses but no one was there. We were running out of time so we ran to Trish Packer's. She was going to give us her dog if we promised to give it back, but Jill said no. She gave us a giant zucchini but didn't want the plant but took the marshmallows. We started going down the street because our time was pretty much up. We saw this group in front of us and they had a mattress. We all looked at our zucchini and knew we were in trouble. We ran full speed to Ethan's house and talked to his dad. Karlie (Ashley's friend) asked if we could take the garbage can if we brought it back. He said yes, so she started dragging it up this hill towards the church. I got the weird patriotic thing and wore it as a hat because it was cool, and Ryan had fun with the zucchini. I don't remember what happened to the potted plant. It took a while to drag the garbage can all the way up that hill, cross the main road, and get it into the church building. We put it in the gym with all of the others.

One group had a canoe (holy cow, who gave them that?!), one had a mattress, and one had a wheel barrel and the head (Sabrina). It looks like no one wanted the head. People thought it was pretty weird that we dragged Ethan's trash can up there.
While we were thinking of our skit, some people pointed out that Ethan's house wasn't in our area so we were disqualified. Jill said that she didn't know and forgot to check but it's okay. They said it wasn't. I got mad, so I said "Hey, I'm President Black of the Beehives, and I say that we're not disqualified!" They didn't bug us after that. It was, afterall, the Beehives who came up with this activity. The leaders are just advisors, but I am the boss.

We thought of a skit and then performed it.

The first group with the canoe had a guy pretending to be a tree, and another guy pretending to be a bird in the tree.
Tree: *just stood there*
Bird (Mitch): caw! caw!
People on canoe: wow! Look at that tree! That's a cool bird!
Sariah: does anyone know a good joke?
Adam: I do, okay, knock-knock
Ethan: who's there?
Adam: canoe
Ethan: canoe who?
Adam: canoe think of a good joke about a canoe or boat?
Everyone: hahahaha!
(if you don't get it say it out loud)

Then next group had the mattress. All of the people except the leaders got on and started chanting/singing/whatever you call it: "Eight little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and broke it's head. The momma called the doctor and the doctor said: no more monkeys jumping on the bed! Seven little monkeys..." They kept on getting confused on what number they were on, so it was even funnier.

The next group I didn't hear anything, but what I saw is that Kaleb (a short deacon) ran with the wheel barrel, stopped, said something, and took Sabrina out of the wheel barrel and threw it. This other deacon caught it and was a bit shocked to see he was holding a head. It was still funny.

Ours is Jill was in the front of our line and she walked on and started doing what I can't really say was a rap, but we were copying her. It was so funny though. She would say: "We are cool" "You are dirt" "You are scum" "We are the best" "You are dumb" and we would just copy her and pretend to be rapping. Mason then ran on with the huge trash can and said "Hey! No trash talking!" and he opened the trash and we all fell to the ground with our hands over our noses. It was great.

Heather then wrapped everything up and we had creamies. We got some guy's jacket and put it on Ashley Roylance so it was pretty big on her, and we zipped and buttoned it so you couldn't see her head. We then put the Sabrina head on her head and put the hood on and had her walk around like that. It was so hilarious and some people even took pictures on their cell phones. It was a bit creepy though. I then carried Sabrina everywhere with me and had her kiss all of the boys. They probably thought that I was weird or something. Oh well.

A lot of them asked where we got her, and I said that Mom was cutting her hair and I pointed out how it was a lovely, tangly, bloody, curly, mullet and that Mom was doing a great jog cutting it, but then she accidentally stabbed Sabrina in the head with the scissors and that's why she had blood everywhere. I then told them that Mom used mannequins (is that how you spell that?) to practice doing hair on when she went to beauty school.

They said that she was creepy and gross and some even said that she was ugly! I asked them if they would say the same thing if I got hurt and was all bloody like her. Jill said that she's tell me to clean my face, and the rest just said no. I thought so, so be nice to her!

It was super fun and my dad was glad to have Sabrina back. Combined young men and young women is so much fun! One time we did this faith walk, but I kinda ran into a tree. Oops. Matt said he liked my hair!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Things That I've Been Wondering

These are some things that I've just been thinking about lately and maybe some of you can help me out.
  • What is Vol Au Vent?
  • What is Sylvester's problem?
  • How come we couldn't potty train Toby?
  • Why do Hannah and Emma never get along?
  • Can forwarded messages really give you five years of bad luck, one million dollars, or make the one you love fall in love with you?
  • How do you pronounce "anxiety"?
  • How do you spell "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"? (that was just a guess)
  • How does screaming, throwing toys, and slamming doors solve your problems?
  • Where are all of my old pets right now?
  • Where is my plain pink shirt that I love to wear?
  • How many more times will I post on this blog before I die?
  • Who got me sick?
  • Is Elvis still alive?
  • How many people read this blog?
  • When will "Lost" finally be over?
  • Will gas prices go down?
  • Do any boys have a crush on me?
  • How does magic work?
  • What's the name of this show I used to watch when I was little which was a cartoon about a boy who befriends a giant robot? (ring any bells Ashley?)
  • Why does Ashley have a fibroid?
  • How do TVs work?
  • How did Marilyn Monroe die?
  • When will Amanda, Grandma Joan, Marjorie, Bonnie, or Cheryl post again?
  • Is that necklace mom was wearing today mine which has been missing for a long time?
  • Will Charlie be a good cat?
  • How come my bag that I made at mutual is smaller than everyone else's?
  • How come I can't think of any good titles?

There will probably be another one of these as more questions fill my mind.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Totally Terrific Today

36 more days... *evil laughter* you'll never know...
Today, I had to turn in the project thing for History. I worked all last night on it, and it's pretty good. I still don't know what I learned from it.

Because of that, I was tired the next day. I woke up about 20 minutes before the bus came. I couldn't not shower because the day before I woke up late too and didn't shower. I grabbed clothes and ran upstairs. Hannah was taking a bath in the bathroom. I was tempted to bang down the door and tell her to get out, but it was her turn to take a shower (or bath). I take mine at about 6:40, so she gets it after. I thought about jumping into Mom's forbidden shower, but thought I better not. I then decided to brave the shower downstairs that only Ashley usually uses because I don't like that bathroom. I jumped in and was super quick. I hopped back out and quickly put my clothes on. I'm not supposed to use Mom's blow dryer, but I did anyway because hers was fast and I think she would rather have me use it than drive me to school. I didn't think I did a very good job blow drying, but it actually turned out well and a girl said she liked my hair unless she was being sarcastic or something. I ran downstairs and brushed my teeth and put on make-up and deodorant. I grabbed my stuff and ran out to the bus stop, with a couple of minutes to spare. Yay me!! I think I deserve a treat.

I got there and did a test, finished some assignments, and did a quiz.

The whole entire day, I felt horrible. I had a runny nose, sore throat, I was really tired, I ached in a different place every hour, and I just felt weird.

I told Sariah that I would hang out with her later. So I went home, got some chips to eat in my room (sorry Mom), and watched Heroes. After over an hour, Sariah came over. We talked, walked around the block, had beef stew from a can, and watched "Enchanted". I also kept on forgetting what we were talking about. Apparently my brain is messed up from being sick too.

We wanted to play night games so we called Joye, but she was at Jess's house so we called there (don't you love how I give you every detail?) and then went over. We sat in Jess's bathroom looking at old yearbooks which was weird because I would see people I know so much younger and weird looking. We called a bunch of people, but no one could really come. Thankfully, Laura Wilcox and her friends who are twins came over even though they were in sixth grade. We went outside and Joye started walking away saying she was going to go to Bountiful (which is 15 min. away driving). I said I'd come with and we just kinda walked away. We stopped at her house because she had to pee really bad, then just walked around the block talking. We got back to Jess's house and informed them that we just ran there and back and that we weren't breathing hard because we stopped running a little ways back and caught our breath. They didn't believe us for some reason.

Joye, Jess, Sariah, and I were all against Laura and the twins (Becca was wearing blue, Rachel was wearing green so we could tell them apart) and we played capture the flag. All 3 of my teammates got put in jail, so I was against the little girls alone. They were really fast though, and it took forever. They eventually won. We played again and I was with the twins against all of the others. The other team was off elsewhere, so I sneaked (snook, sneaked?) in to the front yard and looked for their flag which was impossible to find. I was standing on a rock on their front yard when I thought I heard someone coming so I jumped off. Unfortunately I didn't see this tall, metal flower sticking out of the ground. It caught me on my thigh and both me and the flower fell down. Ouch. At least it was just my thigh... We stopped the game in the middle and played Cops and Robbers. That game is really stupid and I don't like it. I was also a slow runner and I was laughing super hard because Laura was being a nerd and couldn't stop for a while. They got mad at us for not following the rules when we were the robbers, but we informed them that they were puppy-guarding us and that was against the rules. We then stopped the game because it was stupid.

Sariah, Laura, and the twins went home, so Jess, Joye, and I sat on the rock and talked. After Jess went in, Joye and I started home. We stopped on the corner and talked for about 20 minutes about outer space, living forever, and some other things like that-ish. We then each went home. Joye's mom called and asked where Joye was and I said that she was about less than a minute from home. I like how my parents aren't too strict about when to come home like the other parents. As long as I come home before midnight (and I usually do about an hour or more from that) I'm good, depending on where I am.

Now I have some hot chocolate and I still feel cold and I still feel all weird and sick with a runny nose. And a sore throat. Oh please have mercy. Ughh...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

When Are You Going to Stick to One Topic?

Sorry, I still have random stuff to say. My life doesn't have one subject right now.

I have mutual tonight again, and we're making these super-duper cute scripture bags! We had to go to Wal-mart and get fabric. It took forever for Ashley and me to choose. There was nothing there that seemed to scream "Celeste". It's going to be really cute though. If I ever find myself faced with a camera and my bag, then I will take a picture and post it, and maybe Ashley's too if I feel like it.

In choir, we're learning to sing two songs. One of them is "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing" and it's been in my head for over a day It's a really good song and I've been singing it everywhere even in the halls between classes, but quiet enough so that people don't stare at me. It used to be on a coke commercial. My choir teacher is crazy about coke, so it's no surprise that she chose it. The other one I don't like as much.

So yesterday, I was taking Ginger (my uncle William's dog, but my grandparents are taking care of her right now, shih-tzu) for a walk around the block and she started to do this coughing thingy, so I stopped and waited for he to finish. I then turned around and about ran into a tree branch. But because of my good reflexes, and sorta did this bend back twist thing around it and stood up straight all in about five seconds or less. When I straightened up, I saw this boy who goes to my school who I think is really cute coming down the street on a scooter with his friend. Wow, heh, awkward. I meant to do that... Just practicing my reflexive soon-to-be-spy moves... Cool huh?...

Today during lunch, I was with some girls when that cute kid and his friend came up. They kept on throwing candy at us and we were throwing candy back (from snack machines). I was standing there after a lot got thrown when I noticed this sevvy guy in a blue shirt darting around us, picking the candy off of the floor, and eating it. I just burst out laughing, the way he was just quickly and secretly darting around and eating that now sickening candy just made me loose it a bit. He was so funny! I hope he got a good lunch from that.

I have this project in U.S. History due on Friday. We have to draw the map of the U.S. and Canada and some stuff below, color it according to which Indian tribes live there, and label it. We then have to write facts about all of the Indians. I hate projects! Why can't teachers just teach us what they have to leave us alone? Whey can't he just show us a picture of the colored map and some facts? That's the one thing I hate about school. Last year in science, we had to do bottle biology. I hadn't been at school for a couple of days so I had no idea what to do. So the night before it was due, I just a 2 liter bottle, put the top half up side down on the top of the bottom. I cut a hole in the lid and put water in the bottom, then had a shoe lace that I took from Dad's shoe and put it through the hole so it could magically carry water up to the top. I dug out two worms, put it in some dirt in the top of the bottle, and dug up some plant from our garden that I didn't even know the name of, and wrote about how I've been letting it grow for days and it's really prospering. I turned it in the next day and got 85%. There we go, a waste of time, because I didn't learn anything and it was stupid. Bottle Biology is going to change my life. I'm going to grow up to be one of those ladies who sit at a desk a whole day, not gardening.

Sylvester is a weird cat. Sylvester is going to die if he keeps me awake another night. In the middle of the night when I'm trying to sleep, he starts purring and rubbing against my face and meowing. It doesn't matter how many times I throw that piece of fur off of my bed or how un-humanely, he just comes back. When I had a blow dryer in my room, it would be right next to my bed. So if he slept with me and did his annoying thing, I just turned it on and he didn't bug me for the rest of the night. Unfortunately, it broke. He was also outside most of the day last night (and this happens a lot of nights), and he wouldn't come in at night. But, I would wake up in the middle of the night because I would have to pee, and he would just be curled on my bed, and I've been asking my family if they let him in, and they said no. This has happened a lot. Maybe there's a secret entrance. Maybe that's how all of these huge spiders are getting in. I like dogs better at the moment.

Yesterday, there was a praying mantis on the wall above our front door. It eventually got to next to the sofa. I got it to climb on a piece of paper, but it jumped off which made me scream a little. I then tried again so I could take it outside, but it started crawling very fast up the paper to my hand. I think they are cool bugs, but if they touch me, I don't like them. It's like a museum. Look, don't touch. I just ran downstairs and told Hannah to take it outside and not kill it. I didn't want to do it.

Emma and Hannah have discovered that if they talk in their rooms loudly enough, I can hear them clearly through the vent. Emma keeps on yelling at me whenever I'm in my room and it's super annoying. After she yells at me 20 times to come to dinner, she comes down to my room to tell me to come. Thank-you, I didn't realize it was dinner time even though you were screaming it. They always have to come downstairs to tell me everything. I have good ears. Dad only has to yell once to come upstairs and I'll come, but they seem to think it's their duty to come and make sure that I know. Just Stop!! I keep on telling Mom that just Ashley and me was perfect. The house would be cleaner and quieter, and more peaceful. Oh well, can't do anything about that now.

Maybe next post, I'll stick to one subject.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

So How's Your Week Been?

So, I'm just going to tell you a bunch of things that have happened this week because I feel like it, and I know it's just too exciting to be possible.

Wednesday: I had to bring a binder to choir which was actually due the day before but of course, I forgot it. So, during third period (French) I asked to use the bathroom and I got into one of the stalls, whipped out my cell, and called Mom. She said that she was on her way to Provo
, but that she would get it there in time for 6th period. And it came to pass that it was here by 6th period. Yipee.

I went to mutual that night. The Beehives were going to the Bountiful Temple
, so I had to wear a skirt. We got there and went into the waiting room and the temple president talked to us and so did his wife. We went outside and explored the grounds and learned some facts. Lori (our leader) took pictures of us and we just had fun there. After that, our leaders surprised us by taking us to Dairy Queen, where we each got ice cream dipped in strawberry or chocolate. Mmmmmm. That was the night that Dad gave us "Iced Mocha" (a.k.a. powdered milk with chocolate syrup in it).

Thursday: At school I had a health test that I forgot to study for, but I still got 86% on it (which means I missed 7).

When I got home from school that day, I got on the computer and saw that Ashley had minimized a website where you can watch "Heroes" on it. I had seen her watching it a lot, so I got on and in a new window watched the first episode. It was really good, but it took about two hours to watch half of it because our Internet was slow. It was really annoying. Dad then said that he would do the impossible and put it on my ipod!

Mom came home later and she had bought food! Food! Glorious Food! She had gone to our neighborhood grocer, Harmons! She bought nice milk and lots of delicious drinks and food. It was like Christmas and she bought some food she usually doesn't. That made me so happy!

Later that night, Jess Harvey called me. My friend, Megan, who was in the hospital was coming home either tonight or Friday, so we were going to decorate her bedroom. I went over to Jess's house where Sue Cowan, Lori Harvey, Hillary Neilson, Jess Harvey, Joye Fulks, and Heather Lieber were there, and they had already made the posters and stuff, but I still got to do the fun part. We all climbed into their cars and went to Megan's house. We hung up the posters and paper hearts and flowers on her walls, tied the balloons to her chair, and hung curling ribbon on the posters and from her lights and other things around the room. We also got some drinks we had bought and set those in her room too. Then I said that it would be cool if we made a sort of canopy or mosquito net out of the curling ribbon over her bed. We then set to work, Sue, Jess, Joye, and Hillary curling the ribbon, Lori getting tape for us, and Heather and me setting up the canopy. We had pink and green curling ribbon and we taped it to the ceiling all around her bed to make the canopy, and I hung a couple from the ceiling above her pillow to the end of her bed also. It took a long time and when we were done, I got out and stood by the door to view our work. It looked so cool, we were very proud of ourselves. Her dad and brother were home, so they came up to look at her room, and they were just gaping. Boys would've put up a poster or two, but we went beyond that.

Friday: So I had two tests that day, and I didn't really study for either one... So I got to U.S. History and prepared for the worst, and did the best I could. I guessed on a few. We corrected them in class and got them back the same day. And lo and Behold! I had gotten 30/32! Right after that however, I had a test in science. It was lab safety, and if you didn't get 90% or higher, you weren't aloud to do lab. Crap. I still don't know what I got, but I am hoping against hope that I got at least 90%.

It was also picture day. I wore an outfit that I had actually bought for the start of the last school year. I wore it for the 3rd day of school last year I think. So I went to school in that exact outfit, but it was still cute and I hadn't worn it that much. I think I might've blinked during the picture. You're just sitting there doing your cheesy smile (well, I just did a small closed mouth smile, because if I smile with my teeth it looks like I'm going to cry or something), and then without warning, there's a beep and a flash of light occurs. At least there're picture retakes. There was also a dance that night which I didn't go to. I didn't really have anyone to go to it with anyway. Heather (who was already going with her group of popular, cute girls that I don't fit in with) said it's really fun even if you don't dance with any boys. I told her yes I'm sure it is if you have a big group of friends like she does.

I got home and did whatever I do. Around 5PM, Mom said that I had to cook dinner because her and Dad had to go to a dinner for another accounting firm. I had to make this chicken stuff, rice, and green beans. Everything was done, but there was still a little water in the rice that wouldn't evaporate, so I eventually just poured the left over water out. The rice was done anyway. So we ate my magnificent dinner, and then I went to bed at like 7:30PM. No one said thank-you for the dinner, so I just said "you're welcome for the dinner!" as I walked out of the kitchen.

Saturday: I woke up at around 8:30 AM since I went to bed so early the night before. My usual waking up hour is 11, so this was pretty cool. I just did my Celeste things until Mom said to do my chores, which I did pretty slowly. Mom wanted me to clean my room which I somewhat did but there was a pretty big spider in the corner of my closet, and on Thursday night, some of the shelves and a lot of the things in there fell down. I told her that since she was going to take away my bookcase for her office and I have no room to put all of my books, she has to help me.

Mom came downstairs eventually and told me to take everything out of my closet. She then started looking at my scrap book while I set to work. I didn't take out the things by the spider since it was bigger than usual. I don't mind killing spiders if they're smaller than that. I made Hannah kill it, but she was really hesitant too, so I got Dad to kill it. It was sick. I then took everything else out. Mom told me to get three garbage bags. I was thinking 'Wait a minute, this wasn't part of the deal. You're just supposed to re-organize, not throw my stuff away.' I got mad when she accused me of being a pack rat. She started going through my memory box. I had worksheets and spelling tests from fourth grade in there. Ashley thought I was crazy for keeping those. I'm sorry, I just came home from school and dumped all of my papers in my memory box because I didn't want them anymore. It's not like I prized each one, it was just like a school paper bin for me. I got mad at some of the stuff she told me to throw away. I actually hid some of the stuff. Like this green bucket that I got two years ago that I keep my candy in, and notebooks that were still worth keeping because they still had most of the paper left and it was a waste to throw it away. Save the Earth, Mom.

After she was mostly done throwing my things away (funny how much stuff I had), I started taking everything off of my walls. Those who have been in my room lately know how many things I put on my walls. Mom hasn't decorated my room once since we moved here, so I was taking things into my own hands. While I did that, she put things away in my closet. She stuck pretty much everything in there. She also had me start hanging up my shirts in there too. I was upset that she put my trophies in my memory box and my medals. Even if they didn't mean much some of them, I still like to show the public them to give me pride. Now I just have my mirror, bulletin board, and magnet board on my walls, and my room looks super empty. It's like we just moved here or something, or when Mom was showing people our house hoping they would buy it. She made it look like we didn't have anything and had us organize and clean a lot and put pretty much everything in our closet. I've got to admit though, my room is a lot more nice to be in now. :)

Heroes got done downloading, and it's all on my ipod. Now I'm on episode 6.

Sunday (today): We were going to go to our cousin's baby blessing (Jenny's babe, Olivia) but she got sick so they rescheduled it for the week of Cheryl's wedding (no complaints there!). I haven't even seen Olivia yet thought, and I'm guessing I probably won't see her until Christmas.

In sunday school, Matt taught the lesson. I love how everyone listened to him and was good. Maybe they just like him more than me. Andy, the sunday school teacher, was there too. He told us he is going to be released. Wonder why... (someone told the bishop what had happened)

Grandma and Grandpa are going to stay at our house tonight! I had to put Sylvester in my room for Grandma's sake, which means the stupid litter box is in there too. He's a weird but sweet cat.

So, that's mainly my week. How's yours been?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Celeste's Pizza and Friends

During science yesterday, I started talking to this girl named Abby who sits next to me. I was making an effort of being friendly, and I asked her if she still did gymnastics. She said yes, so I asked her what level. She answered that she was in level 9. I said "wow, that's really good. My friend is in level 8". Abby asked what her name was and I said "Shealeigh Stilson, but you won't know her."

To my huge surprise, she said "Oh yeah I do, she goes to my gym, she used to go to Academy West Gymnastics, and she bit her tongue during practice yesterday." Holy cow, yes, we both used to go to Academy West Gymnastics, and Abby goes to North Davis Gymnastics which is where I first went to when I moved here, and now that's where Shealeigh, my old best friend who I haven't seen since I moved. I texted this girl named Jenna, who was also my friend and also Shealeigh's, and I asked if Shealeigh moved. She texted back saying that Shealeigh moved to Layton.

That really just made my day, after science I pretty much skipped to my locker and to lunch, and when Matt said "Hey Celeste" like he always does after fifth period, I answered more enthusiastically then I would've done. I even smiled. How cool is that?

Oh, this morning on the bus, Joye gave me a piece of newspaper that she cut out of the newspaper. On it, it had "Celeste Pizza" like the kind you just put in your freezer and pull out when you don't want to cook. They had pepperoni, cheese, deluxe, and many more! You could buy one and get one free! I thought it was so cool, I hung it up in my locker. Haha, I'm named after a pizza. For more details, go to!