Tuesday, January 6, 2009

You Can Take My Word for It

Right now I'm in French, my least favorite class. I’m supposed to be doing this dumb worksheet that only people who finished yesterday’s assignment have to do, which is me. Is this my reward for not talking and instead working hard on my assignments? I don’t even understand what the pages are saying. How about instead of making us doing stupid stuff that none of us understand very well, actually teach us the French words in class so that we can actually do it! I’m so happy though because I’m quitting French next semester and doing art instead. I took it all last year and hated it, so I must’ve had something wrong with me when I decided to do it again this year. People were confused why I didn’t want to do it. They said that it’s an easy “A” class and we don’t really do much. I don’t want to sit around for an hour doing nothing and getting an A when I didn’t exactly earn it.

Art will benefit me more, I think, and I’ve admired Stephanie’s artwork for as long as I can remember and I was always begging her to help me draw. Now I can get better and do the thing I’ve wanted to learn how to do well for years. I’m already not bad at drawing people, and lately I’ve started drawing things I find on my bedroom floor when I’m bored which actually looks pretty good, but who am I to judge.

I can hear the girls whispering next to me, and I think they’re talking about me. They were saying how weird I was. I’m not going to waste all class doing this dumb assignment, especially if I’m not going to be in her class in less than two weeks. So, why not blog? I’m only aloud half an hour of computer each day at home now and I don’t want to spend it typing the whole time. I don’t care what they think, I decided that a long time ago (well, in October or something). I’m going to get through school, get good grades (starting NEXT term), and try not to care about what people think of me.

I was a good girl and came home from school yesterday and did my homework right after finding something to eat. But tiredness overcame me and I fell asleep after finishing. I was planning to nap for only 5 minutes since the little sisters weren’t home yet, and I don’t know how long I slept. Not very long, that’s for sure. Mom got mad at me for that. I was trying to explain that it was only a 5 minute nap and then I was going to come upstairs, but she’s got a point. I should be waiting for Hannah and Emma to come home and not napping. Those two can’t be alone for five minutes. I would like to point out, however, that when I was younger than Hannah, I was staying home by myself and sometimes babysitting Emma. I wasn’t alone too long with Emma, but I did it. Why can’t Hannah babysit her for once? All she has to do is set Emma’s timer to go to the bathroom.

It started snowing yesterday while I was at school. So after I did the above paragraph, Mom took me to piano. Or tried. Traffic was horrible and it took us 35 minutes to go what was a 5-10 minute drive to my piano teacher’s house. I usually go on Wednesdays, but I can’t go the next two weeks because Mom has school and Dad has work, so I was going to take Marjorie’s kid’s times since they wouldn’t be there anyway. We eventually decided that Mom can’t take me to piano because she has school at Weber and Dad would have to pick me up and she didn’t want him to drive up there or me to be stuck at my teacher’s house. I’ve only known her a month. Mom suggested that she could drop me off at Marjorie’s house while she goes to school and hope Marjorie doesn’t stay out too late, which I thought would be fine. Piano, food, TV, all alone, and Porthose. I’m sure Marjorie would appreciate that.

In the end, Mom decided to take me to school with her. Yipee. As fun as college sounds… I didn’t want to go. But there was no choice. We arrived about half an hour after her class started. She gave me her book, “A Mile in my Flip-flops”. I hate flip-flops, I haven’t worn them since the summer before last. They’re pieces of foam that shouldn’t be called shoes. I tried reading while her professor droned on and on, but my mind kept on slipping and I was staring at the wall before I realized what I was doing. When her class had break, Mom took me upstairs to the computer lab. She gave me her password (yes!) and told me there were “really good fiction books” in the library which was in the same room. I got on and of course, went to facebook and talked to a girl I haven’t seen in years and Ashley. But facebook is really boring when there’s no one you want to talk to, no one else to be friends with, or ANYTHING to do. Facebook is stupid. I tried reading blogs, but no one posted anything new. I logged off and looked at the “really good fiction books” which were either long books that only Amanda’s family would read, or stupid encyclopedias. “A Mile in my Flip-flops” couldn’t even compare to how exciting these books were. But I restrained myself from reading, and I got back on the computer, and then Mom finally came. I got M&M's though, and some time with Mom in the car, it was okay in the end.

My teacher just called me over to read French. I had no idea how to pronounce those words so I just sounded all Frenchy, and it worked! She said that she understands why I’m taking art instead of French, but that she wants me to continue French next year or in high school because I’m really good. I plan to do it in high school, because it is cool to learn French. Parlez vous Francais?

So on the way home, the roads were clearer and we got home faster. Dad made BLT’s (or maybe Grandpa did…) but the bacon was hard when I got to it. That makes me sad, I Love bacon! I was the one who suggested that we make BLT’s and I was looking forward to it. Well I ate the fruit though. The bell’s going to ring, I’ll blog later!

Hey! What d'ya know? It's later! About five hours later actually. Isn't it funny how last paragraph I was in French class, and now I'm home?! I think it is!! Just kidding *cough* back to business.

So the bell rang to end third period less than a minute after I said good-bye.

My eye had been hurting all day because of my stupid contact. I felt weird because my right eye (which you peoples see as my left) was blinking three times more than my left eye. I changed contacts when I got home in that eye, and now my other eye is irritating me. I can't win!

The next interesting thing that happened, was lunch *giggle*. My friend brought Club Crackers and Easy Cheese to lunch. We had kids swarming around our table like bees at a picnic, begging for food. I didn't have any, because I'm a bit sick of Easy Cheese at the moment. I told this one guy named Doug that I'd give him money if he squirted a ton of cheese into his mouth, and he was tempted by my $2 offer. But then the guy sitting next to him said that he can do it. He tipped it in his mouth and poured a sickly amount of cheese into his mouth and swallowed. I started laughing really hard, at the same time I was disgusted. A couple minutes later, this boy named Alex came over and stole a cracker and poured tons of cheese on it. Layers and layers of the orange paste, and then he ate it in two bites. Doug then got some crackers and added tons on cheese onto each one and stacked them together so they were a triple decker, overloaded cheese sandwich. Alex came over and started eating it. I was revolted, but I went into histerical laughing again and didn't stop until the dreaded bell to end lunch came.

After school, I worked on my project for science that's due tomorrow. It's called Adopt-an-Element and you have to make a poster following a certain format and look up info about it. I was planning to finish it before or during Christmas break, but of course, I was unable to do that due to my procrastination habits. It took a while and I had to itch my right side of my brain to get some creativeness out, but I think it looks super good. Mom only gave me advice on the rocket and musroom cloud, and I thought of and did the rest by myself. Whoa. You can take my word for it that it's awesome or look down below.

I had Fluorine which makes fluoride, toothpaste, rocket fuel, and it's really explosivey, especially with hydrogen. I think it's pronounced floor-ring without the g on ring. If it doesn't, dang-it, because my slogan is supposed to rhyme. And that F at the top is the symbol, and that's a tooth brush inside that I, Celeste Black, did indeed draw myself. I sense jealousness from you who don't have my toof-brush drawing skills. That thing on the bottom left is a toothpaste tube, and that toothpaste coming out of it is ribbon. I hope I did it right, and if not, at least I had fun right? No. I think some of you need to coment and tell me how amazing I am for doing this. I await your positive feedback =D.

Grandma and Grandpa are leaving tomorrow (I hear choo choo's, I wonder who's playing Ticket to Ride on their laptop?? *coughgrandmacoughsplutterchoke*) I'm sad, it's so nice having them here to do stuff. Also, the only time I can play Settlers and Ticket to Ride is usually when they're over, because most of my family don't like to learn games like that. They're not hard... after the first 3 times. I wanted to play today, but it's too late :(. Aw well, I'll live. We did play games.

I'll just sum the rest of the stuff up: my room smells like a guy's restroom in the middle of nowhere because of the cats, my eye hurts, I'm wearing my awesome Charlie the Unicorn shirt, I had pork chop stuff with rice for dinner, I'm jealous of Stephanie, and I don't have piano lessons for the next couple of weeks which sucks because I got a Jon Schmidt book and I wanted to start learning songs. That's about it.... hmmm.... Uh.... The End.... I guess......